Google unveiled its latest Android version 4.1 aka Jelly Bean at its I/O event in San Francisco with the launch of its Nexus 7 tablet. Though the tablet made by Asus may come to India at a later period of time, Google made an announcement, specific to Indian Android users. Google sees India as a big Android market and has announced that it will include support for Hindi inbuilt in the latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating software.
Android has grown big time in India due to its flexible pricing. You can have an Android device for even less than Rs 5,000 or $100 in India where as other operating software like BlackBerry, Symbian, iOS is way above the affordability of commoners. Also, Android offers a different experience that hardly any other OS can give.
Worldwide, Android had a share of 59 per cent in the smartphone market in Q1, 2012. Apple's iOS was second on the list with a market share of 23 per cent. It was followed by Symbian with a market share of 6.8 per cent and BlackBerry OS at 6.4 per cent, according to IDC report in May.
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