ASUS has confirmed that it will soon launch the Windows 8 tablet. The company launched its much-hyped Eee Pad Transformer Prime tablet in India in March at a price of Rs 49,999. The tablet runs Android 3.2 operating system and is upgradable to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS. Since then, the launch of a Windows 8 tablet has been the hot topic for everyone.
Talking about the official launch time of the Windows 8 tablet, Alex Huang, country manager – System Business Group, ASUS India, said, “Right now, we don't have the concrete time because we are waiting for Microsoft to launch Windows 8 operating system. Only when Microsoft officially announces Windows 8, we will be able to launch a Windows 8 tablet.”
Huang further said that Microsoft is still working on its campaign and so ASUS will either launch the tablet together with the launch of Windows 8 by Microsoft or within a month's time of its official launch.
The cost of the upcoming tablet is not confirmed yet but it will most probably be a high-end product. “Cost is not confirmed yet as once Windows 8 is launched, the hardware configuration will also change. So, the tablet will need some change – design wise and hardware wise. Only then we will be able to decide the exact costing,” said Huang.
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